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Men's Health Month

  • 4 min read
written by Lauren Curl-Ferrell on May 28, 2021.
Medical Data is sourced from various medical organizations. All studies are tagged. 

June is Men's Health Awareness Month

This is a month dedicated to bringing awareness to men’s health issues. It is celebrated each year. Men’s Health Month shines a light on health issues that all men face.  

The celebration was brought forth in 1992. Each year, the month is organized to help enrich men’s health and wellness through campaigns that focus on screenings and bringing education to issues at hand. 

Statistically, on average men die almost five years earlier than women (1). One of the reasons for that is that men are less likely to seek healthcare than women. Studies show that women go to the doctor twice as much as men (2).  

There’s a culture driven and media expectation for men to be strong, and have no weakness. This mindset has created a problem amongst men. It has created an idea that men believe that going to the doctor exhibits weakness.  

A study conducted by The Cleveland Clinic confirmed that (3). They found that only 40 percent of men find medical help and go to the doctor only when they have a serious issue. The study showed that most men never go in for routine checkups.  

Compared to women, this number is a concerning figure.  

In the same study, 21% of men admitted to avoiding the doctor because they’re too nervous to find out what might be wrong. Ignoring a medical problem will not make it go away. 

Considering there are certain conditions that are more prevalent in men, getting regular physicals and checkups Is very important. 

That is what this month is about. Focusing on men and encouraging a routine doctors visit. This could end up saving or extending a life and that’s what the goal is. 


Recommended Reasons For Seeing A Doctor for Men 

General Health 

It is important to see your doctor regularly and schedule annual exams. Here is what a doctor will be looking for: 


Lipid Disorders 



Colorectal Cancer 

Blood Pressure 

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 



If sickness is around, see a doctor. Prompt medical care can be the difference between life and death.

According to a survey performed by the Health in Aging Foundation, 40% of men said that when they are sick, they delay seeking medical care for a few days. 17% said they would wait “at least a week.”(4) This is not good.

Prompt medical care is key. 



Take medications as directed, but also it is a wonderful way to continue to assess your medication situation. Always communicate with a doctor in regard to medication.

The more they know about the meds, the better they can look at for potentially life-threatening interactions. The older a man gets, the more common it is to be on multiple medications.

doctor will be able to create proper medication routines. 


Healthy Eating and Supplements 

Men have different dietary needs, especially as they get older. For example, older men need more calcium, fiber, potassium, and vitamin D. 

Routine check ups can assess the body’s needs for these. We recommed adding in extra through diet and supplements. Our favorite supplements for each are: 

Liver Detox- 

Liver Fend

liver detox supplement

Fiber -  

NB Pure Daily Multi Fiber

Psyllium Husk powder

Vitamin D- 

NB Pure Vitamin D3 Spray



Men must keep up with the recommended shots, especially older men. Specifically calling out the vaccines for the flu, shingles, pneumonia, and tetanus/diphtheria.  


Sunscreen Usage 

Take the necessary steps to prevent skin cancer. Up to 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have at least one skin cancer. Apply sunscreen liberally, use SPF 30 or greater. Wear a hat and sunglasses to help, also things like rash guards can help if the sun is unavoidable. Try staying in the shade or indoors from 10am to 4pm. 


Prostate Cancer 

Prostate cancer affects one in nine men. Statistics brought forth by the American Cancer Society say that 175,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year.

This is the most common cancer amongst men. 

Men must get screened to determine if prostate cancer is there. The earlier that prostate cancer is caught, the easier it can be held at bay. 


Mental Health 

Many men face mental health challenges - more than what is shown. The American Psychological Association communicates that 30.6% of men have dealt with depression in their lifespan (5) 

Studies and surveys have shown that men do not like to discuss their emotions. It can be scary to men to share their feelings and emotions with another.  


On Average, Men Should be Making Better Choices To Protect Their Health 

Cultural factors are important. Things like drinking and smoking can lead to issues like lung and heart diesases, and even liver problems. Choosing the right foods to eat are important as well. Eating more fruits and vegetables is crucial.  

Together, we can bring the life expectancy number up for men. It is time to put men’s health in focus and that’s what this June is for.  


How We Can Show Support 

Wear Blue! This years Wear Blue Day is Friday, June 18th. It helps create the conversation and maintain the emotion that this month is important. 

Speak to the men in your life and encourage checkups and communication. Support men and help them be able to feel comfortable about getting into a doctor. It is time to break the stigma. The age gap between life expectancy between women and men is only growing larger, let us all do our part to ensure longevity for everyone. 
