By Valerie Latona
Experts agree: health begins with a healthy gut. Researchers and scientists have found that the gut microbiome is linked to digestion, metabolism, immunity, and even mental health. When the gut is out of balance—indicated by digestive upset and symptoms like bloating and constipation, all signs of poor gut health—it can affect all these aspects of health and even contribute to a general feeling of malaise.
But first off, what is the gut microbiome? This is the ecosystem that lives in your intestines that consists of trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These microbes play a crucial role in digesting foods, supporting our immune system, and so much more.
A balanced gut has been shown to help support cholesterol and blood sugar levels, healthy immunity, a healthy heart, a balanced mood, and weight management. (You can restore gut health for weight loss!)
So how do you know if your gut is in balance—or out of balance? We put together these 5 signs of a healthy gut to help you analyze yours. Keep in mind that if you suspect your gut is out of balance and is affecting your health, it’s always good to first book an appointment with your healthcare provider for their assessment—and advice.
5 Signs of a Healthy Gut
These are the most common signs of a gut that’s working optimally and in balance. If your gut has been out of balance and you’re seeing these signs that your gut is healing, you know you’re doing something right!
1. Regular bowel movements. Most experts agree that having a bowel movement every day is ideal for ridding the body of waste and toxins. But everyone’s body and digestive system are different. Some people may go every other day or just three times a week. Constipation is formally defined by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. What’s more, constipation is often accompanied by digestive symptoms like bloating.
Looking for bloating supplements? Try 5-star MagO7 to help you become more regular and banish bloating.
One ingredient that’s been shown to help constipation: magnesium oxide, which is the star ingredient found in MagO7. One study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Motility demonstrated significant improvements in stool consistency and colonic transit time after taking magnesium oxide. What’s more, the American College of Gastroenterology and the American Gastroenterological Association—two leading gastrointestinal organizations—now endorse magnesium oxide as an evidence-based treatment for chronic idiopathic constipation.
How does magnesium oxide work? When ingested, magnesium oxide reacts in the acidic environment of the stomach, increasing osmotic pressure within the digestive tract. This process enhances stool excretion, promotes water transfer to the intestines, and ultimately stimulates the intestinal walls to expel waste gently and effectively.
2. Minimal digestive discomfort. We’ve all been there: bloating, gas, burping, heartburn, and even abdominal pain. Experiencing digestive discomfort once in a while (e.g., from a meal that didn’t sit well, an overindulgent night out, or even hormonal fluctuations) is normal, but persistent symptoms are not.
A healthy, balanced gut is free from inconvenient and embarrassing digestive symptoms!
When you have persistent digestive discomfort, it’s often a reliable sign that your gut may be out of balance. If you develop predictable symptoms after eating foods like milk and beans, you may not have the digestive enzymes needed to properly digest certain foods. When to take digestive enzymes? Try taking, with meals, Digestive Enzyme Complex with 12 plant-based digestive enzymes and 3 soothing herbs.
If your gut is all over the place, no matter what foods you eat, your gut may not be digesting food well—and an appointment with your healthcare provider may be needed. What’s more, when your gut is always out of whack, you’re most likely not optimally absorbing the nutrients your body needs from the food you’re eating—or supplements you’re taking.
Need a simple way to get your gut back in balance? Try our exclusive 3-Step Gut Health Journey™ Welcome Kit by clicking here.
3. You’re not prone to getting sick. Being healthy and not always catching every bug that’s going around is usually a good sign that something’s going well in your gut. That’s because a whopping 70 to 80 percent of immune cells are found in the gut! What does this mean for you? When your gut is in balance, the microbes in your gut are living in happy synergy and immune cells are able to do what they need to do: fight off infections and viruses—and anything that could cause harm to the body.
This doesn’t mean you’ll never get sick with a healthy gut. But if you’re getting sick a lot and you’re experiencing some persistent digestive symptoms too, it may be time to take some steps to get your gut back into balance. Our 3-step Gut Health Journey™ is a science-backed protocol designed to help fix your gut and support optimal wellness so you can start feeling better more often. Looking for leaky gut supplements? The Gut Health Journey™ may be a good place to start.
4. You’re in a good mood most of the time. What does mood have to do with your gut? It turns out, a lot! There’s something called the gut-brain axis, which is a scientific term meaning that what happens in the gut affects your brain, from mood to mental clarity. One reason for this: key neurotransmitters like feel-good serotonin and dopamine are produced in the gut. These neurotransmitters are also important for cognitive function and overall mental well-being.
This means that a balanced gut microbiome can positively influence mood and even cognitive function.
5. You’ve got glowing, radiant skin. A sure sign that your gut is humming right along and in a happy place: your skin looks good. Just like there’s a gut-brain connection, there’s also a gut-skin connection. Research has found that an imbalanced gut can trigger inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea. And that’s because an imbalanced gut can trigger inflammation in the body, which in addition to triggering skin conditions can also lead to chronic health conditions in the body. If you’re prone to skin irritations and rashes and experiencing some digestive symptoms too, you may want to look at getting your gut back into balance.
Skin looking less than radiant? Click here to try NBPure’s simple 3-Step Gut Health Journey™, with a science-backed protocol for better gut health.
It’s important to note that the body is constantly communicating with you, through symptoms and through no symptoms. If you’re healthy and happy, you’re definitely doing something right! If, however, you’re experiencing any kind of digestive upset along with the other symptoms mentioned here, you may want to take the first step to a healthier gut, starting today.