
3 Steps to Better Wellness Through Gut Health.

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3 Simple Steps to Better Wellness Through Gut Health

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5 Seasonal Vegetables you need more of!

  • 2 min read

There is nothing better than a BBQ on a hot summer night! Check out these 5 seasonal Summer veggie recipes and also get some tips on how to choose the right veggies and why you should be eating plenty of them this summer!
1. Zucchini
Packed with fiber, Vitamin C and minerals like phosphorus, zucchini is one of the most versatile, low-calorie vegetables.

How to pick: Choose a zucchini that is firm and unblemished.
How to store: refrigerate fresh, uncut zucchini in a bag for up to a week.
What to make:  Zucchini Parmesan Subs
2. Green Beans

These starchy veggies make a great side dish. Green beans are full of Vitamins, A, C and K and also contain iron, magnesium and potassium.
How to pick: Green beans should be crisp and firm. There should be no soft spots or signs of discoloring.
How to store: When storing, keep beans refrigerated in a plastic bag. For longer storage, wrap beans in a paper towel to absorb extra moisture.
What to make:  Green beans with pecans and maple vinaigrette
3. Corn

Nothing says summer like fresh corn on the cob! Corn is full of antioxidants and fiber!
How to pick it: Steer away corn that has small brown holes on the husk, especially towards the top.  The tassels that stick out of the top of the corn should not be dry  or black, this means the corn is hold.  Check the husk, if it is bright green and tightly wrapped against the cob then the corn is fresh!
How to store: Refrigerate un-shucked ears in a bag.
What to make: Charred Corn Summer Salad
4. Tomatoes

Packed with Vitamins A and C, folic acid and antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acid and lycopene, tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse.
How to pick: Whether choosing small, cherry or large, beefsteak varieties, look for tomatoes that have firm, unblemished skin.
How to store:  Refrigerating tomatoes damages the membranes inside the fruit walls, causing the them to lose flavor and develop the mealy texture, so store tomatoes on your counter top and room temperature.
What to make:  Refreshing Watermelon and Heirloom Tomato Salad
5. Bell Peppers

Best known for its extremely high vitamin C content, bell peppers are perfect as a main or side dish.
How to pick:  Select peppers that are bright and vibrant, firm and unblemished.
How to store: Green peppers ca be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, red, yellow and orange can be stored for five days.
What to make: Risotto Stuff Peppers
United States Department of Agriculture. (2014). USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Accessed on 7/18/14 from:.
Worlds Healthiest Foods. (2015),
