
Gut Health Journey Welcome Kit

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Reduce constipation and bloating by promoting elimination of waste and toxins.

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Embrace nature, real foods, and holistic health with family friendly products created with Earthy Andy.

3 Simple Steps to Better Wellness Through Gut Health

All 3 products 25% off + Freebies + Samples!

A Toast to National Wine Day: 7 Things You Ought to Know

  • 2 min read

If you haven't already marked your calendar, Saturday the 25th is National Wine Day. That's right - they made a day of it and chances are Americans the country over will be enjoying some fine, aged grape juice across restaurants, back patios, pools and porches from state to state.

So let's raise our glasses and clink. It's time to wine down a bit with your favorite partners in wine. 

Ok, ok. Enough with the silly puns. 

Grab your favorite Cab, Merlot, Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot or whatever suits your fancy. Shoot, as long as you're responsible, maybe even go for a little of each! National Wine Day is the perfect time to share your favorites, explore new blends and learn more about varietals and winemaking.

But while we're on the topic of drinking responsibly, here's a toast to a few wine-related things you ought to know before you partake:

1) The average wine ABV in the US ranges from 11.5%-13.5%. That said, some wines are as low as 5% and as high as 23%!

2) The average pour of wine is about 5oz.

3) Shiraz, Sherry, and Marsala are among some of the higher ABV wines and pack a little more punch. 

4) While it's true wines do contain healthy antioxidants, wines aren't exactly good for you. Yes, they may have certain benefits on the heart and circulation, but any alcohol in excess will have adverse effects on the body. That's one of the reasons we made LiverFend. It's designed to help support one of the key organs responsible for detoxifying your body after drinking.

liver detox

5) The average bottle contains 6 glasses of wine. Many studies report that a large population of people may feel buzzed or drunk after just one glass. It's important that you understand your limits and drink responsibly. Wine will likely have a different effect on your body than beer or spirits.

6) National Wine Day is a chance to celebrate and enjoy good company. Do not risk any scenario that would ruin such an occasion for you or others. Do not, under any circumstances, drink and drive. Designate a sober driver beforehand or download a rideshare app this week.

7) Some wines trigger histamine headaches in certain individuals. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day to try and mitigate any painful side effects.

All that aside, it's time to round up some fun platters and friends for an awesome weekend affair. Consider apples, cheeses, sliced meats, and jams. Pull out the sun shades and lawn chairs. It's time to celebrate National Wine Day however you'd like!

And should Sunday come knocking with a little lingering headache... hey, sip happens.
