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Celery Juice Detox – Ridiculous or Life-changing?

  • 2 min read

Everything you need to know about the newest trendy detox drink


What is it?

The Celery Juice Challenge was introduced to the world by Pressed Juicery, which is an organic cold-pressed juicery based in southern California. The “challenge” is to drink celery juice first thing in the morning every day for one week. It’s popularity increased because it differs from the typical juice cleanse. Supposedly, there is no need to change your eating habits or cut out any unhealthy foods. You simply drink a glass of this unassuming veggie every morning on an empty stomach, and you’re set. Now, it almost seems too easy, so let’s dig into the pros and cons of a celery juice cleanse.



According to the Medical Medium celery juice is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other health benefits. Some of these benefits include fighting autoimmune disease, neutralizing and flushing toxins out of the liver, and helping to eradicate strep bacteria. Some avid celery juicers (including Carly de Castro, co-founder of Pressed Juicery) also report that it aids in digestion, inflammation, detoxification, and increasing energy levels. 



On the other hand, an article written by a dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic has a different perspective on turning these green stalks into cleansing juice. They reveal that when juice is extracted from celery it strips away the fiber and causes everything else to become concentrated, including the sugar. The article also states that it is silly to think that this juice has the ability to reverse an unhealthy diet, help us lose weight, or cure our ailments. While celery juice will not cause you any harm, it may not be worth the money or the time.



There seems to be a decent list of health benefits to making celery juice apart of your morning routine, but there are also reasons that lead us to believe that it is not worth the hype. Ultimately, even if it doesn’t provide us with the full body cleanse some claim it to, it is still a holistic way to start our day. I guess the only real way to determine whether it’s a hoax or legitimate is to try it ourselves. Would you be willing to try the celery juice detox or have you before? Tell us your thoughts in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!
