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3 Simple Steps to Better Wellness Through Gut Health

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The Evolution of MagO7

  • 2 min read

MagO7 is 25+ years old. In that time, it’s gone through a lot of makeovers—
as happens with all of us—but it still is the same great product that’s known
to gently and reliably relieve constipation overnight.

Why did MagO7 Go Through So Many Name Changes?

NBPure as a company started with the launch of our flagship product
MagO7. That was more than 25 years ago.
To give you a sense culturally, what was happening when MagO7 first
launched: The Backstreet Boys first launched their still-popular song “I
Want It That Way”, The Sopranos first premiered, The Blackberry
Smartphone launched (remember that?), and Beanie Babies were popular!

When you see how much has changed in society since then, you can
understand why MagO7 had to go through some superficial makeovers to
keep with the times!

The company was founded by Danna Pratte, still our CEO to this day. A mom
of three, Danna needed something to help her when she was backed up. So
she set out to create something to help her—and others with the same
digestive issues. Enter MagO7.

At that time, we weren’t the global brand we are today. Our very first
product was called Organ Health MagO7. Then it became Pure Vegan MagO7. And then it became Aerobic Life MagO7.
It can get confusing! Many people still look for it under the popular name
Aerobic Life MagO7. Sometimes people think it’s Mag007 (it is a pretty
amazing product, but it’s definitely not related to the secret agent 007!).
And some people call it Mag07 (with a zero); it’s MagO7 with a capital O.

MagO7 is simply called NBPure MagO7 today.
MagO7 Is Still the Same Great Product Inside

Inside all the different versions of MagO7 through the years: the same great
proprietary ozonated magnesium oxide formula that gives you. reliable
poops in the morning!
For more information about ozonated magnesium oxide and how it works,
see What is Ozonated magnesium oxide
