
Gut Health Journey Welcome Kit

26% Off + Freebies + Samples

Reduce constipation and bloating by promoting elimination of waste and toxins.

After cleansing, promote regular digestion to support healthy weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol.

Reduce constipation and bloating by promoting elimination of waste and toxins.

Wellness meets performance. Gut-friendly products for active lifestyles and athletic goals.

Embrace nature, real foods, and holistic health with family friendly products created with Earthy Andy.

3 Simple Steps to Better Wellness Through Gut Health

All 3 products 25% off + Freebies + Samples!

Customer Success Story: ParaEnd Travel Support

  • 2 min read

It's easy to talk about the pros of travel. All the new places, encounters and experiences are usually something to write home about. Until they're not.

Unfortunately, new backdrops also come with a lot of uncertainty. When that uncertainty has to do with water quality, food preparation, and general sanitation, traveling can come with a price.

Just ask one of our customers.

MJ lives a super active, travel-focused life. At least that's typically the case. She recently came down with some GI complications that found her hospitalized, landlocked and grounded. New flights and foreign cultures gave way to doctor visits, tests and all the discomfort that comes with assessing health issues. 

But her journey through stomach pain led her to one of our products and it's made a world of difference in her life!

"I saw direct results while taking the ParaEnd supplement. Having many stomach issues, I wanted to give it a try in hopes of a positive result. I did not have any problems while taking this supplement and it did show good results and change in my GI health," she said.

"I tried this product because it has all natural ingredients and I would recommend others try this product since I did see good results while taking it."

Planning Your Next Trip?
Whether you're plotting pins on a bucket list map for future journeys or you just returned from some travel, you may want to follow MJ's path and try ParaEnd. As the name implies, this all-natural supplement is designed to protect your body against any parasites or stomach bugs you may have contracted from food, different water sources of new environments. 

ParaEnd Intestinal Cleanse and Detox
Additional Travel Tips

  • When in doubt, drink bottled water
  • Never eat raw, undercooked or questionable meat
  • Ease into new foods to see how your body responds
  • Invest in quality soaps, sanitizer and more so you can sanitize on the go
  • Listen to your body. If jetlag or long travel days have you feeling down, there's a good chance your immune system may also be compromised to a degree. Rest and recover. Don't go too hard on day one.
  • If you do encounter an upset stomach or diarrhea, it's vital you stay hydrated. Rice and bananas are usually good go-to foods for a sour stomach.

Have a Success Story to Share?
We love to connect with our community. If one of our products or suggestions have made a positive impact on your life, we'd love to hear about it. Shoot us an email or tell us on your favorite social media channel!
